What a great word!!! Beyond delicious....better than scrumptious....far above yummy! Thinking back to a Thursday afternoon....when it was so superliciously wonderful that there was no time for whipped cream....
----- Pancho Villa, 1877-1923, his last words----- "Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something . . ." This blog is for my daughter Rodina and my grand daughters Megan and Amanda and their children and their grandchildren. I want them to know me and my thoughts and desires...and for my future generations to come.
What a great word!!! Beyond delicious....better than scrumptious....far above yummy! Thinking back to a Thursday afternoon....when it was so superliciously wonderful that there was no time for whipped cream....
"Brooms don't fly themselves you know."
"If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come here because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together." *
I'm feeling rather melancholy the last few days. I just wake up some days and there it is. I can't put my finger on it. Who knows why really? These things seem to come in cycles and I feel like it takes a while to sort through the emotional pile sometimes. I tend to push things aside and let them go until I can somehow make sense of them or deal with them. I'm doing a lot of dealing it seems right now.
I'm the cook and my emotional life is the soup. So, while I stir, I keep adding ingredients. Check the taste. Does it need a little more compassion? A dash of independence? Maybe a hint of anger? Stir some more and consider what has gone into the base of the soup: years and years of experience, feelings, joys and sorrows. Looks like I've really got something cooking!
I've noticed that the word truth is just 'ruth' with a 't' in front of it......and ruthless is just 'ruth' with 'less' at the end? When I am 'truth' I get along better....but when I am ruthless...I am merely less than myself
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
You are more PRECIOUS and WONDERFUL than you may ever know. I try not to be afraid or ashamed of who and what I am, because deep down, I am a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN just like you.
Song by Steve Wariner...
I love you very deeply too, Aunt Ruth. You never turned your back on me when I was going through hard times, thank you. You are the best Aunt anyone could
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.
Yesterday when we woke up....Megan climbed into the bed into my arms and was face to face with me. She was wishing me good morning and was wiping the sleep from my eyes for me.... Megan said said she was getting the strings from my eyes that hold the sleepy in. It never ceases to amaze me of how much love and innocence she has. If I only convey to both my grand daughters how much they are loved....I will have done my job.
You don't need to run away from the past. For it's already quickly receding behind you.
Time Inside and Out
Well, I was touched this evening for what I can remember the first time in my life (other than my child and grand children) and it felt good. Another human being actually placed his hands on my skin and touched me. Touched me! It was so unreal to me. I enjoyed it. I didn't run scared....I didn't cringe and my skin didn't crawl. The touching monster didn't come and eat me all up. It was a comforting soft and gentle...just like I had imagined it would be if it ever happened someday. I didn't have to ask to be just was. I hope I can have touching in my life from my friends in the future. If not, I do have this memory finally! Maybe someday I can hope to be held. Thank you AB for this wonderful experience to my life...
Words to me from VM - 01/01/01
I received this a few years back....I think these are wise words no matter the year or the circumstances:
Michael Podesta Graphic Design in Suffolk, VA creates beautiful images with calligraphy and appropriately chosen prose. In "Desert" Podesta celebrates life and hope.
Some men know exactly what they are doing to/with a woman. They attempt to manipulate me... setting up boundaries so that they can box me in emotionally... then use me at his will... They come in the backdoor pretending to be 'sensitive' to women. They learn where my emotional hot buttons are and start pressing them... after emotionally hog tieing me... They can only fuck someone they emotionally crippled first... It's a 'security' issue with this type of man... They only feel secure when they've got you in traction first... The man is then in control.. it's a control issue with him. I should have 'Hi, I'm the poster child for the emotionally vulnerable' tattoed on my ass...
The Cost of Loving You
"Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind. Did you think you were put here for something less?"
Some days I feel disposable...right or wrong...I just do...
How do I love someone or not love someone? I've found I don't have much in between with these feelings. I either do or I don't. I can't say I ever stop loving. I may not have the person in my life still. I may find that I simply don't love someone any longer. But, more cases than not, I still love. Maybe not love as strongly as before, but I still care very deeply. It's just the way it is for me. I can feel what I want to's my feelings. Others can feel the way they want's no skin off my nose. I feel what's right for me.
Things are different in today's world than they were in our mother's day....grandmother's day...back to the beginning of time?
This is something I ran across on the internet. I've had this happen to me most of my life but more so after my mom's death in 1992. Before her death...a few clear instances but more so fragmented thoughts and visions. Nothing I could control or quite understand. After her death, suddenly everything is so very clear! Sometimes a picture in my and complete. Sometimes it's words....never hearing actual speaking....more like the vivid memory of a conversation. I do however get sudden 'shouting' at me when I'm in's more like 'STOP, stay still!'. Yes and the feathers and gut instincts. A lot of times it's a friend telling me somthing out of the blue that I need to hear. Amazing what angels give to us...and yes...I believe in Angels....
How can you say someone is your best friend? Or you, their best friend? My friend Booger used to get so upset when I wouldn't acknowledge that he was my best friend as he considered me his. Although I loved him dearly, I would tell him Charlotte is my best friend...that only a woman can be that deeply a friend to another woman. And yes, Charlotte IS my best friend and has been for over 30 years. But, I have to take into consideration that Shirley has been my best friend for about a year later than Charlotte.
Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours.
I have a girlfriend named R. I've known her for about 3 years. She was a girlfriend to a former friend of mine who turned out to be a sleazeball but that's another story....
It was suggested to me that I might have PTSD....I looked it up and perhaps I MIGHT.
Love isn't always straightforward and easily classifiable. The ways and means of passion are as myriad as people themselves. Understand the subtle differences and be open to them all.
I have discovered a wonderful peanut butter! I've enjoyed Smucker's Peanut butter for some time. It's 'natural' and like fresh ground peanuts. Delicious! Yesterday I was at the grocery store and was getting a jar of Smuckers off the shelf....and I saw a new Smuckers that is Honey Peanut Butter! I had some of it today and it is absolutely wonderful!!! Life is grand!
I don't have a great track record making choices where it comes to men. I can see an improvement but I have so far to go. I have the voices inside my head that are self depracating and I'm pretty hard on myself. It's not that I haven't learned to love's more that I'm digging myself out of the hole of abuse and control that I've had for the first 52 years of my life. I keep choosing men who don't see my worth....they don't see my heart...who am I kidding....they don't even try. It all starts out so wonderfully and I'm a giving person....oh, the men think I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread each time....but it always ends up with them using me and throwing me away. All but two I've developed and maintained friendships, (and good friendships also) but they have no desire to love me and keep cherish me. Maybe it's my habit to ask for nothing for myself and settle for less. All I know is that I now can't do it any longer....I can't and don't desire even the continued friendships after the 'love affair' is over any longer. I don't even want to be bothered most times. They didn't really care for me when they had me I why should I give them my friendship? Why should I care for them? Not one damned reason!
There's so much in my head and heart to say....sometimes I go dry for a few days and then somedays I can't get enough out! I want so much that what I write will give some insight to me and my thoughts and my heart to not only my daughter and grand daughters but more generations of my descendants. All of it. I want them to know I'm a woman with hopes and dreams and desires....and that I have so much to give them and about the people I've known, I know now and will know. I want them to know so much so that they can make decisions that will be better for them than the choices I've made....the relationships I've settled struggle to become a fully functional woman who desires and is desired. I'm no beauty by any stretch of the imagination nor am I the smartest woman around town....but I have something I want to tell them. Nothing exacly.....but things and thoughts I have or have been written about me. I know I've touched on this subject every once in a while....but the burning is still here stronger that it was at first... Maybe they will 'get it'...maybe they won't....but they will definitely know things about me that give them a window of what my life has been so far.