Sunday, May 14, 2006

Women and Whores

Things are different in today's world than they were in our mother's day....grandmother's day...back to the beginning of time?

If a woman today is sexually active...if she is practicing what men have practiced forever in time, she's labeled a whore. If a man wants to be promiscuous and have multiple partners....or plainly put....'screw around', he's a stud. If a woman wants to enjoy sex with different partners, heaven forbid! She's a whore. Who gave us these rules? What right does ANY man have to sit as judge and jury? We women know the 'look'...we know the words of a man's judgement or condemnation. Aren't these the same men who go through hoops trying to bed us women?

How long are we supposed to go between lovers? Is there a certain time frame where we become virgins again? Is there a certain time frame where we are 'fair game' or suddenly 'clean again'? Is the male ego so dang fragile that they have to think they are the 'one and only' while they are saying out the side of their mouth that they don't want to commit to a monogamous relationship? What's good for the goose should be good for the gander?

The bottom line is no one has the right to judge another person. More importantly, no one has the right to judge me. What I do or don't do is no one's business but my own. And those who think they can judge me? They can kiss my ass.


At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.


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