Sunday, May 14, 2006

Angels Speaking

This is something I ran across on the internet. I've had this happen to me most of my life but more so after my mom's death in 1992. Before her death...a few clear instances but more so fragmented thoughts and visions. Nothing I could control or quite understand. After her death, suddenly everything is so very clear! Sometimes a picture in my and complete. Sometimes it's words....never hearing actual speaking....more like the vivid memory of a conversation. I do however get sudden 'shouting' at me when I'm in's more like 'STOP, stay still!'. Yes and the feathers and gut instincts. A lot of times it's a friend telling me somthing out of the blue that I need to hear. Amazing what angels give to us...and yes...I believe in Angels....

"Angels speak to you through wordless impressions that you receive in your mind. You're able to mentally ask for information or help and receive it as Divine instructions that suddenly appear in your thoughts.

Angels speak to you through words that you hear inside or outside your mind. As long as the voice is loving and asks you to improve a situation, it's Heaven's way of speaking directly to you.

Angels speak to you through mental visions; signs that you witness with your physical eyes, repeating number sequences; finding coins; seeing colors around people. Trust your visions, they're Heavens's way of speaking to you.

Angels speak to you through your heart and body. You feel joy as an indicator that you are on the right path, dread as a sign that changes and healing are necessary, trust that gut's Heaven's way of speaking to you."


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