Saturday, May 06, 2006

Where do I start?

There's so much in my head and heart to say....sometimes I go dry for a few days and then somedays I can't get enough out! I want so much that what I write will give some insight to me and my thoughts and my heart to not only my daughter and grand daughters but more generations of my descendants. All of it. I want them to know I'm a woman with hopes and dreams and desires....and that I have so much to give them and about the people I've known, I know now and will know. I want them to know so much so that they can make decisions that will be better for them than the choices I've made....the relationships I've settled struggle to become a fully functional woman who desires and is desired. I'm no beauty by any stretch of the imagination nor am I the smartest woman around town....but I have something I want to tell them. Nothing exacly.....but things and thoughts I have or have been written about me. I know I've touched on this subject every once in a while....but the burning is still here stronger that it was at first... Maybe they will 'get it'...maybe they won't....but they will definitely know things about me that give them a window of what my life has been so far.


At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!


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