Saturday, April 29, 2006


Megan, age 5 has decided she is too big for a bath with her 3 1/2 year old sister, Mandy. She wanted a shower today. She wanted a shower today WITH me! I tried as hard as I could to talk her out of it but no dice. We get the water warmed up and naked and we get in the shower. Just as we are getting wet, Megan informs me, 'did you know you can pee in the shower?". I laughed and said yes. I let her wash her own hair and while I was rinsing it for her, she proceeds to poke and prod all my body parts telling me what they are and ask me why various body parts are the way they are. After shuffling back and forth sharing the water and her inspecting my job of shaving my legs and oohing and aahing how smoothe my legs are, I got out. Megan decided to stay in the shower and sing...or rather yell. After enough of that, I reached in and turned off the water and let her dry herself off by herself for the first time. All in all, it was successful if you don't count the 3 gallons of water in the floor.


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