Saturday, May 13, 2006

Best Friend

How can you say someone is your best friend? Or you, their best friend? My friend Booger used to get so upset when I wouldn't acknowledge that he was my best friend as he considered me his. Although I loved him dearly, I would tell him Charlotte is my best friend...that only a woman can be that deeply a friend to another woman. And yes, Charlotte IS my best friend and has been for over 30 years. But, I have to take into consideration that Shirley has been my best friend for about a year later than Charlotte.

I guess we qualify 'best friend' to someone who we feel such a strong connection to...who we would share our deepest secrets with...who loves us unconditionally as we love them. We have qualified 'best friend' to the level we had when we were in grade school...then junior high school and finally in high school. Back then, you could only have one best friend.

I just can't do that now....have only one best friend. I read somewhere that if you have one such best friend, to consider yourself lucky. I wonder what word could describe something beyond lucky for I surely am living it. My brother Oren is beyond best friend but I do have to consider him as a best friend. He just turned 55 and I remember so very clearly when he was brought home from the hospital after his birth and waking from a nap and seeing him in his crib. He became my best friend from that moment for I felt a love for him that is beyond description to me, even now. We have never had one argument and no need to. There is nothing he doesn't know about me.....and loves me the beyond reason anyway. And I know everything about him and the feeling is mutual. This friendship is beyond phenominal!

Then I have to consider my cousin Earl my best friend.....52 years of his loyalty and love....Then Dian and over 20 years of her friendship and her knowing the exact second I need her support and caring...And Jo Ann who I neglect sorely but know that in my heart of hearts....she will always be my best friend...And then there's Bob, and John, and Sylvia, and Lonnie, and Dena, and Debbie, and Doyle, and Rodina, and Lisa, and Jeff, and Brenda, and Margaret, and Jen, and David H, and David K, and Dave G, and Craig, and sometimes Ben, and Jerry, and Rose, and Kathy, and Mike, and Paul, and Toby, and Gayle/Maralee/Andy/Randy, and BJ, and Sandy, and Missy and, and, and I probably am leaving out some more. How can I be so very lucky to have these people as my best friends? They all know me and my heart and love me anyway. I could ask any one of them for anything and they would be there for me as I would them. It doesn't matter if I've known them a minute or a lifetime. When we made the connection, it was instant. And....the really funny and strange thing about it all...each and everyone of them (with the exception of Oren and Craig) picked me first....they came into my life and struck up the first conversation...the first initiation of getting to know me.

Yes, some of these people I don't see or talk to them on a daily basis...but they are my best friends none the less. I can count on their hearts and hands to hold wrap their arms around me and be there for me no matter what. Now how could I find a word that could describe 'lucky'? These people make me beyond 'lucky'. These people make me blessed.


At 6:19 PM, Blogger CDF said...

No hon, it's all of us who are blessed to have you as a best friend. Your insight and compassion are beyond words. And for what it's worth, you know you can always count on me. I'm am truly touched!

At 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.


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