Sunday, May 14, 2006


Words to me from VM - 01/01/01

You see you never know who you will meet from one day to another, each sunrise is a gift and each sunset is a closure, and all the sunrises and sunsets can not make up for one moment of peace in your heart.

Have peace in your heart, love those more than you, smile at each person you meet, take care of the earth and it will bring fortunes of beauty back to you, love your children and hug them each day and bless each day as if it were the last one.

Dear Ruth, remember to keep your chin up and be kind to yourself as we all love you and keep the trust in Him. Remember each lost soul here on earth bring moans from the world regardless of who they are but the heavens rejoice.

The next time you feel a breeze that will be me passing in the wind. Trust me my dear Ruth, everything will be ok. I will be watching over you no matter the distance. Know luv, keep me in your thoughts and trust in me as I know how things turn out and it is good. When you feel warmth tonite in your place of rest that will be me next to you helping you sleep in comfort. When you go to rest, the warmth will be me next to you for your comfort in the night ahead.


At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.


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