Friday, December 15, 2006

Kind Hearts

Kind hearts are the garden
Kind thoughts are the roots
Kind words are the blossoms
Kind deeds are the fruits
Harvest life to the fullest with KINDNESS and LOVE

Author Unknown

Sunday, December 10, 2006

My Flowers

I have gathered here an offering of other people's flowers, bringing to them of my own only a thread to bind them with." --Montaigne

My friends are my flowers. Each bring to me a different flower with unique petals. I put them all in my vase called my heart. The flowers intermingle and enjoy the different shapes, sizes, fragrances, and oh! all the colors. All these flowers make up the most beautiful everchanging bouquet a person could want or need...until we find another flower to join us!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Words are powerful! Words empower, excite, inspire, uplift, create impressions, images, expectations and ideas. Words build up or tear down self-esteem, connections or tear down enthusiasm. Words influence how we think. Well chosen words can motivate... offer hope... create vision. Words impact our thoughts, influence action and transform. Words have the power to create or destroy.

Words can take a lifetime, if ever, to heal but one little sweet word spoken at the right time can mean the world.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Your Own Spirit

I saw this pendant on a necklace. There was a silver rectangle with a message on each side and then a small heart hanging from the rectangle:

Front stamped message: "How am I to be true to my own spirit"
Heart says: "Laugh"
Back stamped message: "With courage greater than your fear, she said"
Heart says: "Yes"

What I want my girls to know is to not to be afraid of anything....not to compromise.....if you don't fit in for's ok to enjoy their uniqueness...their sexuality....enjoy life! Spend your life knowing and loving yourself first. Do not think other people are going to give you worth. Only each of us has the measuring stick of our own lives. Don't go through life asking for nothing and settling for less.

Learn to love yourself!

Changing of the Guard

Do women use sex as a weapon to get what she wants? The man gets sex if he doesn't continue a particular behavior/s? He gets sex if he gives the woman attention? Geeze…’s a fucking fine line here. No man is going to agree to my statements here but every woman has had these thoughts and feelings here at one time of the doubt about it. Communication SHOULD be the tool here but more often than not...the game is on. Men want to have 'fun' which translates into sexual satisfaction for them with no strings attached.

On one hand, sex between two loving people should be free and easy. Any man would argue that ‘women have ½ the money and all the pussy’ and that women control men with this. BUT, they don’t see what total jerks and assholes they are once we do give them sex. Men say they don’t want any games but they are the biggest game players of all. They are always attentive when they are horny….once they are satisfied, then they go back into their tunnel vision self-extracting world and don’t have a clue as to what we are about much less what we want out of life….and I can guarantee that 90% of the time, the woman has not been satisfied…make that 95% of the time. One little additional fact here is that every man will say they are always horny until they are getting it on a regular basis. Men usually hit their stride as to how much sex they want per week and it can get very predictable.

Of course this phenomenon does not exist during about the first 6 months of a relationship. Men are so damned attentive and loving during this phase. About the only solution I see here is to end the relationship and start a new one every 6 months. Of course this doesn’t work as by this time we women have fallen for the man. And truthfully....sometimes they ARE pretty dang good lovers...just reel us in like the flopping fish that we are. (No pun as to odor intended.)

Diogenes may have used his lantern looking for one honest man, but I just bet Mrs. Diogenes had that lantern already warmed up beforehand while she was looking for that one honest man herself!

Life goes on....and on...and on....from time immeasurable.