Saturday, March 22, 2008


As my youngest grand daughter, Amanda grows, she comes up with what we lovingly call 'Mandyisms'. Some of the stuff that comes out of her mouth are either absolutely funny or very profound. I'm going to try to post some of her 'Mandyisims'.

Her first Mandyism was Christmas before last. I had bought the girls new princess costumes. Mandy had to put her's on at once. Dress, tiara, boa and plastic high heels. She pranced around and came over to me and said, 'Oh Bees....I look so prettyful!'

Amanda has combined the words midnight, bedtime, and night-night to form: bednight. As in, "Is it time for bednight?" or "Can I have a bednight snack?"

Megan and Mandy were watching Meerkat Manor one evening. Mandy decided that she was a Meerkat with 3 babies. She dug a burrow (piled up blankets and pillows) and was tending her babies until an apparent problem arose. The first her mother, Rodina heard of this problem was when she came to her and asked, "Mama, can you get me some milk? Cause my nipples ran out and my babies are hungry. Oh, and Meerkats drink chocolate milk."

Mandy and I had been to the library where she charmed the librarian with requests for books that had lizards, dinosaurs, horses and snakes to look at. She took her books to a window and curled up and started looking at the books. She can't read yet. However, that didn't stop her.
She made up what she thought the books said and proceeded to sing her stories to the other children. A few children curled up beside her. She was in guru mode.

After I finished with what I was doing and she had read her books, we left to go pick up her sister at school. Along the way, she told me that she was disappointed that she didn't get to bring the books home. I told her we would go back with her sister and get some books. Knowing both girls would want to check out all the books they could carry, I told her that they could check out four books each. She was quiet. After about 10 blocks, she said, "Bees, I should be able to pick out five books for herself because she was five years old."

Heaven forbid that she should find out that our library has a 200 maximum book checkout policy.


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