Fake it till you make it...
I know others are doing the best they can under the circumstances...however....there is ALWAYS room to be better...reach out and become the hero to someone who needs it....become the hero that we can only wish we were...till we turn around and find out that it's so damned easy to reach out with love where it's natural to hold back and hide. Love begets love. Compassion inspires compassion. Understanding leads to better understanding of all things/people/situations. Forgiveness is actually a very selfish deed. Oren always tells me that 'hate' binds you to that person. Sure, it might be easy to 'hate' someone...or so we think we hate them....but the actuality of it is that we hate the actions because it brings up a shortcoming we feel in ourselves. When we forgive, we are really letting ourselves off the hook. We are told to love our neighbor as we love ourselves but seldom do we ever understand loving ourselves. Truly loving ourselves. Only in the freedom of loving ourselves can we love others. How I wish that others could see what I see in the mirror when I see their reflections in it. I feel like one of the luckiest women in the world to have had all the wonderful people in it. Again, however, I can understand as even I have difficulties in loving myself or feeling worthy of someone loving me. It's just human nature I guess. It's not going to stop me trying tho! Fake it till you make it, eh?
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