Three In One Person...Blessed Trinity
My mind won’t shut down and so many thoughts and memories come flooding in. One thing I think about a lot is my relationship to God. Most times it just feels like an empty vast wasteland and I’m the only one there. Like I’m talking to someone on the other side of a wall and they can’t hear me. I keep hearing how someone has a personal relationship with their Lord and Savior….have accepted Jesus or Christ as their savior, etc, etc. etc. I have such a difficult time with this. I see the higher powers that be as three separate entities. There’s God the Father. Then there is his son Jesus and then there is the Holy Spirit. To me, God has the higher power. Jesus is his son and therefore like a prince waiting or learning to be king someday. As to the Holy Spirit, I have never figured out what his job is. I know I question the whole theory and sometimes feel guilty for questioning. But, at the same time, I figure God gave me a questioning mind and I’m just using it as he made it. I have no doubt as to that there is a God. I just don’t understand it.
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