God's Jar
When I met my former husband Ben in 1980, he introduced me to a new concept that has stayed with me ever since. It's called 'God's Jar'. He had a jar that he would put found money in. This money was saved and given to 'God'. It had to be the exact money...if he found a quarter, it had to be that quarter...not just a quarter out of his pocket. Sometimes the coins would be a coin he dug out of the tar in the street. Sometimes the coins would be so bent up or dirty. He was a UPS driver so he was in a lot of places all day long. However, there were so many times that he found money so easily. He could spot a penny 50 yards away. I immediately started this practice when we started dating and continue to this day. I have my own little God's jar and give to Ben what I collect when it gets full to put with what he finds.
Usually when the jar got full which was at least twice a year, the money would be given to a church of his choosing anonymously. We ended up giving to one particular church but there were several times we gave to my former childhood church in particular with the stipulation that the money be used for children to go to camp who could not afford it. When we were both working, most all times we would have over $250 at least twice a year.
This is a blessing to me to have known this side of a man who taught me this concept of giving back to God a small token of appreciation of this life we've been given.
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