Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I was talking with my friend DH about loving and losing and me and my previous relationship(s). Below are his words and some understanding of me and who I am. Words that will help me understand me and who I am. I've removed some very personal and specific words he said so as to not single out any one person...

"You've learned a LOT .... Mostly about who you are, not about who the man is. That is significant learning. It hurts, but it's supposed to hurt when this happens... you feel it and that is good, even if painful.. my darling friend, the depth of the pain is an indication of your capacity to love. You will be wiser and stronger and better at loving the next time. You've actually reclaimed a great deal of who you are. The pain is an indication of that. If you felt nothing, I would agree with you. You're a fantastic woman, R. Capable of great passion and sincere love. You're growing into that. Next time it will be real because YOU will be better able to recognize that 'R' in a man. You're just developing a better ability to choose men."


At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.


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