Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Not too long ago, I was told a realtionship with me long term was not viable...that I was not vaible...that I had no planable future value. Oh, I was certainly viable right now and the immediate future. I can certainly now provide cooking, cleaning, sexual favors, nursing care among others. Seems like a good reason to use me? Is it using or is it a relationship of give and take? I guess it's all from the prospect of who is doing the giving and who is doing the receiving.

It got me to thinking....what IS viable? When do we become viable? Are we Viable-In-Waiting when we're younger? Viable-In-Waiting when we are still virgins? How long are we viable? When do we become Viable-Has-Beens? If one person declares us Viable-Has-Beens, are we totally not viable for the rest of our lives?

Gee...I FEEL viable! I still think I have worth in all areas and aspects of my life. I'm not ready to give up just yet!


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