Saturday, March 11, 2006

Footprints in the sand

A partial IM conversation I had with dtf back on 2/5/02

dtf: I think humans are just "meaning making machines" we make everything mean something, why is that?
rlp: we like to think as humans that we are more important in the scheme of things than we are possibly
dtf: could be.
dtf: Take information in, spit out a meaning
rlp: I think about each one of us is the center of our universe
dtf: The low road
rlp: I take the high road
rlp: I have been known to take the low road on occasion
dtf: do you know that the low road and high road have many roads joining them
dtf: and that somtimes the high road is too easy, as is the low road
dtf: and that once in while we all step of the beaten path
rlp: I almost took the low road a couple three weeks ago to the end....thankfully I did not
rlp: not easy to admit
dtf: just around every corner is something wonderful
dtf: we just need to be open to it
dtf: so open your eyes Ruth
dtf: Right now this moment is all that exists Ruth
dtf: I use to place my past in a bag
dtf: got too bloody heavy, kept bumping into things
dtf: same walls, sme people
rlp: ahhh....I remembered about something like that....
dtf: Have you ever walked on the beach?
rlp: yes
dtf: left foot prints?
rlp: yes
dtf: what happened to them?
rlp: eventually they were washed away or someone else made their footprints over mine
dtf: yep
dtf: Ruth, how do you feel when your foot prints are washed away?
rlp: I want to make new footprints!
rlp: Rub my face in them so to speak...the new ones
dtf: Why. They are behind you, dont look back
dtf: Then you will not miss them
rlp: no...I am thinking of new footprints!!
dtf: I know
rlp: the old ones just meant I was there for a moment in time....they are behind me
dtf: I can see you thinking
dtf: laughing
rlp: Life is grand!
dtf: Aye, it is at that. If you make it grand
rlp: delicious...and looking forward to what is to become in this life and my next one
dtf: They are important
dtf: So Is RUTH
rlp: Welcome back into my life
dtf: I am pleased to be back love
rlp: I am pleased that you are here


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