I think the human touch is probably the most important thing in a person’s life from birth to death. It’s also the one subject that I’ve struggled with my entire life. I have only been touched….really touched once in my life and that was back in 2001 and for only a total of about a few hours… happened over a 4 day period. Until then, I only let my brother hug me or touch me. Oh, I could have sex but even with that….there was no real touching. I’ve only known maybe three people who I have felt comfortable with to let touch me that weren't my family. Even with my best friends I'm too damned afraid of being touched without feeling panic and sick at my stomach. I’m afraid if I let someone touch me, that I couldn’t stop crying.
I think touch is the most amazing thing in the world. I would love to just travel and touch people, share energy for even just a moment. Amazing.
I've thought for year that there should be a 'touch store' where we can go and be touched or held, even if for a few seconds.
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