If I Were To Die Tomorrow
If I were to die tomorrow
What would you say to me today?
That you’d have loved me more
Or that you’d have more part of my life
Maybe that you’d have paid attention to me
Or that you’d have held me close wiping away my tears
That you’d have laughed with me
Or you’d have looked into my heart
And cherished me all the more.
If I were to die tomorrow
What would you do with me today?
That you’d play with me
Or do all the little things I’d asked of you
Perhaps hold my hand and listen to my dreams
Or made my life easier
Maybe just sit with me in quiet
Or touch me and kiss me in your special way.
If I were to die tomorrow
What would you do the day after?
That you’d tell others how wonderful I was
Or how good you were to me
How saintly you treated me
Or tell all the little lies to make you seem the perfect one
That you’d be safe in your world
Or shed a tear or two.
If I were to die tomorrow
What would you whisper to me over my grave?
What would you have to say?
rlp 12/28/08
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