Monday, January 02, 2006

Falling In Love Exposed!

I was reading an article about how to seduce a woman. No, I don't want to seduce a woman. I already know how to seduce a man or a woman. The article was written by a man and I wanted to know more of how a man thinks. The main idea of this article was to get inside the woman's head so that a man can 'get lucky'. It was a pretty good article and pretty well right on track on how to bed a woman. The only thing I saw wrong with the article was that if a man used the technique, whether he liked the woman or not...or wanted a one night stand or not....he wouldn't easily shake the woman if she turned out to be a bit crazy. If she was a whole lot crazy....boy would he be in a world of hurt!

Anyway....there was a part of it that struck me interesting. I think...I repeat...think....this is pretty well on the money as far as how it works.....all inside the head. One thing that particularly struck me between the eyes was that I can not and have not ever given it one thought that any man ever thought about me in this way...never thought about me afterwards....never actually said my name. Yes, I've had men fall in 'love' with me....but more they've fallen in lust with me on the whole. I wonder....really wonder if any man has ever been giddy enough to say my name in this fashion? I wonder if I will ever know it's happened.

"Falling in Love" Exposed!!!!

"Ok. Since I'm being pretty general and theoretical here let's get a bit more specific and talk about what every woman dreams about: falling in love. Now, based on what I've said so far, do you think I believe "love" is based on some mysterious "chemistry" that flows between two people? Maybe it's caused by a butt-naked little angel named Cupid who shoots an arrow into your ass?

No, Here's how people fall in love: First, understand you do NOT fall in love with someone when you are in their presence. No. You fall in love when you're off by yourself, thinking about them afterwards. This is why it is so hypnotically powerful, because you are doing it to yourself, and people are always their best hypnotists. Here's how it happens: you go out with someone, maybe even one date. And then you go home, and you're lying there, thinking about them. And, you form an image of them in your mind. And as you do that, you start to list to yourself all the qualities about them that you like, "She's so , she's so , she's really ." Maybe then you picture you and them having lots of fun in all sorts of situations. Then you get that warm, funny feeling right in your solar plexus, and then, the nail in your coffin, you say her name to yourself 2 or 3 times. If you're really a geek, maybe you even dance around the house singing it!! Or you possibly go about bring up her name in every conversation."


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