Thursday, November 03, 2005


A very dear and wonderful friend of mine has been reading my blog. She said to me that she wished she could write as well as me. I told her that everyone has different styles and everyone has something to say. I told her to practice....just write her thoughts to herself and let the words come. No, she isn't educated...although she has successfully raised 5 children to adulthood...maintains a beautiful home, takes care of her grandbabies, works part time...and is always 'there' for what more can a friend ask for?? She is eternally and habitually a sweet caring person who doesn't want to hurt another person's feelings....even when her feelings have been hurt...This is what she wrote that she wants to tell people...

"Don't talk down to me just because I'm not as educated as you are... and don't presume that I cant think things thru,,, I have a brain and I have feelings... Treat me as you would want to be treated... Be honest with me even if it's going to hurt me,, I always find out the truth anyway, so PLEASE be honest from the start... I am Special,,, J."

***YES, she is special


At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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