Sunday, April 01, 2007

Megan and Mandyisms

Or...Other moments with Megan and Mandy to remember in my old age...

2006 conversations with their mother, Rodina:

Mandy has learned sarcasm. I just told her that she needs to move her stuff because my desk is for me to work on not for them to play on or for their pleasure and mandy said "yes your highness".

I told meg that her shirt says "spoiled" on it and asked her if she knew what that meant. She said no, so i told her that it means she is a rotten kid because someone lets her do whatever she wants. She said "that is papa. he lets me do whatever I want then I come home and act bad". I told her that she would be a good kid again in a few days. She said "good!"

Mandy knows what she wants for her cake for next birthday. She wants a white cake with white icing and 3 dinosaurs: a brachiosarus, a tyrannasaurs, and a teradactyl. She wants PRINCESS dinosaurs, so I guess that means we are going to have to sew little bitty tu-tus for the dinosaurs.

September 2006
Megan was just watching a commercial for a truck and told me that we really need that truck. I asked her why we needed a truck and she said if we need to carry something really heavy. I asked, and why would we want to do that. She said just because we need to carry heavy things sometimes. I said, how often do we actually need to do that? She said, well, we can get a trailer for the truck if we need to carry horses or cows around. I said that we don't have any horses or cows to carry around and she replied, well we will just buy a barn then we can have cows to carry around in the truck and trailor.


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