Saturday, March 03, 2007

Men Rules

Back in the 1980's. I wrote the following 'men rules' as how I saw my life:

Testacles I - Chapter 1, Verses 1-10

1. Women were put on earth to serve man.

2. Women shall ask before they think.

3. Women shall be seen and not heard.

4. Women shall never suppose they know anything.

5. Women shall always be submissive, thus eliminating rape.

6. Women shall only know one word: Yes.

7. Women shall know all men are correct.

8. Women shall never question a man.

9 Women were made for three reasons: Cook, clean and sex.

10. Women shall adjust their attitudes so as to not offend a man's ego.

Well, now you know how my life was for better than 50 years and especially for the last 20 of those 50 years. And.... why I became single in 2001. Enough of this crap for one woman!


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