Saturday, January 06, 2007

Patching Hearts

I think people are put into my life for a purpose. I have a list and drawn a picture in my mind. I have a need to weave a basket, and pinch a pot to show all these people's souls. It would make a lovely design, all this intertwining.

For a little while you can look back and see your footprints in the sand, then the ocean of life blends those footprints into our being as we look to take the next step. I can imagine a world where we can take someone's heart in our hands, caress it, patch it, love it and fill it with our love and then put it back into that person's body. I imagine it sort of like those experiments that the teachers do for the high school kids by having them walk around with an egg or a sack of flour to make them realize what time and care it takes to nurture a baby. If we could instead imagine carrying around another person's heart. And, I can even almost imagine risking someone carrying our own heart. In this, how we would look at others so differently.

That's what I want to do for my life, I just haven't figured out totally how to yet. I'm getting there. I'm still patching my own heart.


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