Back in 1979 when our daddy was dying at the VA Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas, my brother Oren and I were pretty down. As background, we weren't that rich growing up...the only reason we didn't know we were poor was because we didn't know better. Many times, people would talk down to us. One afternoon, we were outside while daddy was sleeping. There were a couple of women outside with us...real 'uppety' women dressed to the 9s. This was summer in Arkansas where everything melted under the horrid humidity and heat. The two women were going on and on how important they were and how important their friends were, trying so hard to impress us and talk down to us. Very apparent. I just looked at them and said very snootily, 'Well, MY daddy is Abe Davis'. They shut up and cowered back in....Oren and I laughed our heads off. After that, any time we are put down or tired and anxious, we just say to each other, 'Well, MY daddy was Abe Davis' and laugh.
Many years later, Oren got a computer and was trying to think up a nickname for his email. I suggested the acronym 'MDWAD' and it stuck. Now when we email, every time we smile knowing we are invincible as brother and just doesn't get better!
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