Thursday, July 27, 2006


One of the things I want my girls to know is don't let anyone hit you. They steal pieces of your soul from you when they do this. Every time you see that arm raised or that hand coming at you....the next thing to pain you will see are parts of you flying off of you. You can learn to not feel the pain, but you can't do anything about those bits and pieces of your self worth being eroded away. Don't let anyone belittle you or make you feel less than...for they chip away at your soul as surely as there is a sun rising in the morning. Don't let someone take away your innocence and your sexuality as that will cause ruts and gashes in your soul that may never heal. As you mature and grow older in years, you have to buy back all those bits and pieces...all those chips and ruts a piece at a time to become whole again. It takes years of buying this back...sometimes losing your purchases in one little incidence when you are caught off guard. Sometimes you just go bankrupt and have to start all over again. It's called two steps forward, one giant step back. Take care of yourself as only you can do. Gather around yourselves only people who nurture you and help act as a barrier to those who take from you....only those people who give you a safe haven or will stand up for you when you can't. Purchasing your soul back takes a lifetime and the currency is heartache and tears.


At 12:11 AM, Blogger kame said...

This is so true.


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