Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My Purpose As I See It

I need no other human being in this life to validate my worth, because my worth is my own center. All other human beings I invite into my world are in addition to it, a bonus, complimenting my already rich, full life. They are not essential to my existance. I can compliment their existance without demanding to be essential to their life as well.

I know and am that self-passion, that absolute certainty that I am all I need and the rest must earn their way into my heart with the respect, trust, honesty, loyalty and unconditional love that every person deserves.

We find each other, not to complete each other, because we were each complete when we met, but to inspire each other to be even finer and more joyful than we would have been alone.

My passions are for me. What I choose my purpose to be is to inspire others, to see their mirror…their truths, their joys and their forgiveness of themselves; to erase my past and gather my words to leave behind for my generations

----- Pancho Villa, 1877-1923, his last words
"Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something . . ."


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