Sunday, October 30, 2005

Poem written to me that changed my life....

My first blog...I'll see where it goes....see how it grows. I plan on posting at first, thoughts about things that have been written to me or about me and how these have impacted my life.

This poem was written to me that was to become the first of many. This one changed my life in that no matter what the risk, I want to never miss nor be missed again. Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you cry....but when two souls connect for whatever reason it's magic! It might be just a smile in an elevator to a might just be a pat on the back to someone who needs might be bringing to task....and hopefully it will be a love of two souls that bring comfort, joy, nurturing and safeness of sharing of two hearts.

Here's to our inner parts....

What if our souls, for countless years, could mingle in a place
To learn the things we can't now see, not even just a trace
And God then gave us all the form in which we now exist
Could we then see the inner part, or would it still be missed.


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